GDPR for Higher Education Webinar Series
An interactive series of webinars focusing on how GDPR will impact Higher Education institutions including structure recruitment, alumni engagement, advancement and current student admin activities.
- Duration
- A series of three webinars spanning 3.5 hours in total
What is GDPR and how will it impact your college or university?
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years.
While it is an EU regulation it will impact Universities and Colleges around the world. It also has teeth, with the potential to impose fines up to 4% of your “revenue”.
It is likely to have a serious impact on Student Recruitment, Student Administration & Alumni Engagement, even if you don’t have a campus in the EU or recruit students from the EU.
Webinar Part 1: An introduction to GDPR
Duration: 90 Minutes including time for questions
Our first GDPR webinar is designed to give recruitment, marketing, advancement, alumni & admission teams a general overview and introduction to the changes that are coming (such as the right to be forgotten) and what people can do to prepare. The webinar will discuss the challenges for EU based institutions but also for those outside the European Union.
Your institution may already be preparing for the enforcement date (25 May 2018) or perhaps you are based outside the EU and it has come as a bit of a surprise but the more people that know about, and understand the impact of the GDPR, the readier your whole organization can be.
This webinar will explore how the GDPR will impact on key aspects of Higher Education, and the student journey, including recruitment, alumni, current students and staff.
Topics will include:
- What is GDPR?
- Who will it impact (and the answer isn’t just EU Universities and Colleges!)?
- How it will impact student recruitment, advancement, current student admin and alumni engagement?
- What are the most significant changes that are coming and how will it most impact important admin, marketing & advancement activates in Universities and Colleges?
- What can you do to prepare, or get involved in the preparations within your organization?
- Where to go for more information and help?
Webinar Part 2: GDPR and Higher Education: Practical Steps to Complying
Duration: 60 Minutes including time for questions
Following on from our first webinar which gave a general overview of the GDPR, this session aims to delve deeper into the practical application of the GDPR across Higher Education establishments, by working through some real-world scenarios to offer advice and top tips about what you need to be doing now to become, and remain, GDPR compliant.
Scenarios will include:
- The student recruitment journey including online lead capture
- Leads from international student recruitment fairs
- Alumni engagement across borders
- The impact on Higher Education CRM configuration
- Data retention challenges for Universities and Colleges
- Graduated students who now reside in Europe
- International recruitment agents
Webinar Part 3 - GDPR and Higher Education: A panel discussion
Duration: 60 Minutes including time for questions
Following on from our first two webinars we are running a live panel discussion to discuss the practical questions, challenges and "real life" impact of GDPR in Higher Education. The panel will include experts in GDPR legal matters, digital marketing, web / digital governance and information security.
The first two webinars provided a detailed overview of the GDPR and its impact on Universities and Colleges worldwide.
We would highly recommend that you attend this webinar live as we will have a live chat facility available and will be focusing on answering your questions.