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Personalization on higher education websites

Personalization and content targetting on higher education websites - the new competitive advantage

59 minutes
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Personalization on higher education websites - the new competitive advantage

If it's not personalized, it's not engaging. The idea of making the website experience for your target audience both personalized and targeted isn’t a new one. It is however one that has eluded most institutions. This is often down to time, skill, or technology.

This webinar outlines the opportunities available to higher education institutions that could help you elevate your visitors' experience; delivering one that is both meaningful and relevant to them.

We also outline the things you can do (and should do) to deliver personalized experiences for your target audience to increase engagement and conversion. 


  • How can higher education apply e-commerce and online retail techniques to drive website improvements.
  • What problems does personalization or content targeting solve?
  • Planning for personalization: What are the important prerequisites to getting it right?
  • Higher education uniqueness: What works? What doesn't work? The best higher education examples.  


Photo of Piero Tintori

Piero Tintori

Founder and CEO Terminalfour